A child holds up a small blue fork in the forest.


Young Carers Outreach Project

To accompany the tour and launch of the App Burn the Curtain delivered a creative project for young people who attend the Torbay Young Carers group. The outreach project began in February when we met the group for the first time in Haldon Forest, for many of them this was the first time they had ever been to the forest.

At night, an animation of The Baker being tormented by the illusive Snark, is projected onto a bathing machine.

The morning was play testing the new app and in the afternoon we worked together to create giant Snark footprints on the forest floor using foraged flora and wild bird seed. The young people, their families and support workers were invited to the dress rehearsal of Hunting of the Snark.

Young audience members, wearing orange forks, hung around their neck from orange ribbons.

The outreach project culminated in a week of creative activities and an exhibition of work in the forest. The young people created their own willow Snark lanterns which were staked in the bird feeding area, designed story pages to hang in the trees and made a collection of audio recordings of the natural sounds of life in the forest which accompanied the exhibition. We also spent lots of time playing games and building dens of course.
